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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Happiness and the End of Suffering

Are you truly happy and completely without suffering in your life? I'm talking about freedom from psychological suffering, not physical pain .When I say suffering, I mean psychological suffering. If not, because most people aren't free from suffering, it simply means that there is unconsciousness in you. In other words the source of suffering in life is unconsciousness. How do we know this is true ? If you were fully conscious would you ever choose unhappiness or suffering. When you are fully conscious, you're fully aware of the consequences of your actions or thoughts. Therefore, the fully awakened conscious human being, a Buddha, would never choose suffering. He would never choose to think or do anything that would create suffering for himself or others. Therefore the fact that there is suffering in your life, is a result of spiritual unconsciousness. What is spiritual unconscious? Unconsciousness is created by conditioned mental patterns that we inherited throughout the generations from our ancestors. This is mental conditioning that has been alive in the human psyche for thousands and thousands of years. This compulsive mental conditioning has obscured our ability to see reality as it truly is. When we are unconscious we cannot see clearly. Our mind and perception is colored by thinking or compulsive thinking ,labeling, judging as well as with our obsession with past and future. Trapped in the past, our consciousness being absorbed by thinking about the past or living in the past, or worrying and projecting about imaginary things that might happen in the future. When we enter this mind set, we are in that state of unconsciousness ,in other words, not here fully in the present moment, It is kind of like being asleep spiritually. We do not feel, nor are we aware of the life energy that is within us and within all of the creation. This is a creation of the ego which is a mind made illusion. It is a bundle of thought forms and identification that we confuse ourselves with and call me or myself. It is the story of my life that continues on and on like a recording in the brain never stopping, never ceasing, and in many cases torturing us continuously. So what is the purpose of spiritual practice? Any type of spiritual practice, whether it is the study of spiritual teaching, yoga, or different types of meditation , they are all designed to do one thing. Their purpose is to make us awaken. To wake us up spiritually into full conscious awareness, based on the present moment in the now. Which is all there is. Life is only here in the now, and when our minds and consciousness are acsorbed by past and future, we lose touch with the now which is who we are, the life energy and awareness that exist only in the now. Once we are free from compulsive thought or conditioned reactive mental patterns that control us unconsciously, we will experience life in all its fullness and abundance. Life as it really is, vibrant, alive, and full of wonder and beauty. We will be free from the possession of psychological time because in the now, there is no time, there is just one eternal moment. We never experience life in the past or future. They are just thought forms in our mind. They have no substance. The past is a memory and the future is a mind projection without reality. We can never find ourselves in the future or in the past. We can still plan to develop our life situation freely and beautifully, however do not expect to ever find yourself in the future, some future moment that we imagine is better than this moment. Let's explore this moment first. When we bring our full attention and consciousness into this moment ,we will find that it has infinite depth and beauty. Let us immerse ourselves in this moment, which is life itself, all there ever is and will be. Now is forever, forever is Now. Let it Be!!!

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