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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Be Who You Already Are

Be who you already are. You are the divine light and consciousness of life itself. Allow your self to be who you already are and shine that light from the depth of your soul where you are connected with th one life, out through your energy chakras to your heart and mind, your voice, and your actions as a witness to the one life. When you try to become more and more out of a sense of inadequacy or guilt about being the unconsciousness within you in your past, you have forgotten who you truly are. You still believe that that unconsciousness and conditioned mental patterns, which is beyond your control, is you. If the one life created you as an expression of divinity , if we came from that place, why can't we recognize who we are. How do we recognize who we are. First we must recognize what we are not. We are not our thoughts, we are not our emotions, we are not our possessions, we are not our life story, we are not our body, we are not any of the things in our life. We are life itself, pure consciousness, pure eternal awareness just like we were when we were born as a child, before the conditioned thinking of the ego mind started to program are minds into thinking unconsciously. This is why Jesus said to enter the kingdom of heaven you must become like a child. He didn't mean to shrink our physical body, or to act in childish ways. He meant that we needed to free ourselves from the possession of the ego mind and the compulsive conditioned thinking that keeps us trapped in unconsciousness, trapped in the world of form. He pointed us in the direction to return our state of consciousness to that of the newborn child as it looks at the world freshly, with awareness, curiosity, with the wonder that sees simply the beauty of creation in the present moment. That is who you were when you are born, bright eyed, open-minded, open hearted, absorbing all in wonder and splendor and beauty and Joy. Do not think that you need to be more than you already are. This compulsive drive based on future accomplishment for future achievement both spiritually and materially is an illusion designed to keep you trapped in the past or in the future. This trap is a kind of spiritual sleep or obscuration created by the ego mind that covers up your true pure divine nature. You will never find that nature in the world a form. You will never find it outside of your deepest self. It is an inward journey. A journey that doesn't require time, that will bring you back home where it all started. If you think you need more time to realize that, then you will, until you realize that you don't need time anymore. If you think you need another life or to be reincarnated again ,then you will ,until you realize that you do not need to be reborn again . Reincarnation will not ever help you if in your future life you still don't know who you are. Spiritual realization ,which happens in the now, in this moment, in the depths of the present moment, is a process of waking up to your true identity as a human being not a human doing. It was created by the one life which we can never separate from who we are. From the realization of that connection, comes the greatest sense of compassion that transcends right and wrong ,good and bad ,egoic grasping love ,wanting and desiring. It comes from a place of total stillness, which is who you are. If you know the stillness ,then you know you have all you need already, and you don't need to get anything more. You can watch your life situation as forms,come and go,as the rhythm of life brings you more and less and less and more, like the gentle waves on a river, just like the passing clouds in the sky. You can never find yourself in those forms, period. Stop trying to become something more than you already are. You already are universal intelligence, infinite wisdom, and an ocean of compassion that reaches every corner of the universe. As vast as the universe is, the space of your consciousness is just as vast. Be still and know who you are!!!!!. I AM

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