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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The devil is God in disguise

The devil is God in disguise . What blasphemy. How can anyone say that.? God and the devil are not the same. The pure divine nature of God could never be contaminated by the evil of the devil. From one perspective this is true, however from another perspective, one is dependent on the other. Let's look at the nature of opposites. How can we know good unless we know evil. How can we know light unless we know darkness. How can we know left, if we don't know right. Up and down. In and out, forward and backward. The world on the level form seems to be a dualistic world. Opposites are dependent upon each other. From the point of view of the one life, which is who we are , life itself, there is no division between opposites ,they are one, they just appear to be separate, which is an illusion.Let's take a look at the human being, who looks from the point of view of egoic consciousness, to be a mixture of divine nature and devil nature. In other words a core of pure conscious awareness wrapped in an obscuration of egoic consciousness or thinking form consciousness, the ego. When we finally wake up and realize the inner dimension of who we are as divine pure consciousness, it is a process of unmasking our ego disguises or the pretensions that covers up our true nature. Awakening means to return to our natural self our natural true state of being naked, with no pretensions, no drama, just being who we are. Well let's take that dynamic into the God/ devil debate. If our true essential nature represents God and is rooted in God or you could call it life, and the ego represents the disguise of the devil. From the perspective of egoic consciousness, the devil is God in disguise. So in order for us to know God we must face and clearly know the devil. However, most human beings spend their lives hiding from the devil, hiding from evil, avoiding pain, running away from the devil, and therefore never finding God. If God is the devil in disguise, and we run away from the devil, we are running away openly from God. If we avoid knowing the ego ,that part of us which is not a real self, or if we accept that as who we are, then we will never know our pure divine nature at the core of our being. It will remain obscure, never realized ,never fully blooming, and always, seemingly ,a mixture of good and bad, right and wrong. Let's look at the nature of the devil. Who is the devil. The Bible says the devil or Satan originally, was the archangel Lucifer. Then who created Lucifer? The answers is God. Therefore at the core of the devil is the original nature of God, a being named Lucifer. Just like at the core of your being, although it is being disguised by the ego,it is your pure divine nature. This is who Jesus was, fully realized pure divine nature. This is what the Buddha was, fully realized pure divine nature, enlightened Zen master. However, that is also who you are, pure divine nature, yet not yet realized. The process of realization is called conscious awakening. Now from the viewpoint of the one life, the devil is Lucifer in disguise, still divine pure consciousness at the core level. Therefore from the point of view of the one life, there is no duality, in ultimate reality there is only one life, pure divine consciousness. Who you are. Let's all wake up to that fact.

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