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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Melding

Across this country and throughout the world the awakening of consciousness is sweeping the land. In traditional organizations that have been around for many years, as well as new young organizations, the flowering is happening. Never forget this is a phenomenon of the individual .Without individual flowering of consciousness and a return to the state of humanbeingness , the organization is meaningless. Ultimately we don't need organizations. We really don't need organizations that fail to recognize an honor the fact that this awakening consciousness, in whatever form it's taking, is coming from the same source. As the Dalai Lama has eloquently pointed out, conversion is outdated. Our job is not to convert each other, it is to wake up as an individual. Based on full conscious awakening ,community and collective energy will blossom organically. It cannot and should not be forced by misguided zeal and naïve enthusiasm. The divinity in each human being is there already,. No one is special because we are all special and totally unique. The individual is a unique expression of life. That expression has never lived before in its current form, and will never live again in its current form. Imagine the kind of respect and dignity that life has given each one of us, because of our unique beauty and form. When you meet one person or any person, it is a unique encounter never to repeated again. Even if you meet that same person in the future, that person could be totally different or more evolved, and they may have a new perspective. Their physical appearance might be different. They may change externally and will certainly have probably changed on the internal level. Give you full attention to each encounter with another human being. The meeting in relationship of two individuals is a divine encounter. Let us honor the encounter and let it be all it can be. Let us look at this unique individual in relationship to organizations. No one organization can satisfy all the unique needs and difficulties of the unconscious person. There will be many that will wake up as the traditional organization evolves and wakes up collectively. They will not need to belong to or join the new organization. Others will not find what they need through an old established organization or religion. They will probably be more attracted to some of the new incarnations or organizations that are evolving and blossoming in many places in the world. The ego will try to create discord and dissension , competition and division among the new and the old organizations .That is why individual conscious awakening is ultimately all that matters. Individual is a religion of one. The body is the temple. There seems to be many paths, however ultimately the way is pathless. As humanity awakens, lines, barriers, and seemingly solid separations will dissolve into nothing as the One life wakes up and becomes aware totally of itself .

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