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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Monday, March 20, 2006


Be careful , if you practice any form of worship, that you are doing so in all earnesty and sincerity. In my opinion the best form of worship is not structured or formal, rather it is by living with complete reverence for Life in all its forms and aspects. Life is both without and within. It is the source of every thing, including yourself. Your are Life and cannot be separate from Life. It is One. When you feel that reverence in your heart for all things, remember to include your own Being, which is Divine. Do not worship any form of idol, including living ones that may look or feel superior to you. Superiority is an illusion. No one is special, because we all are special in so many ways. Look closely at that uniqueness and specialness in all people and everything. See how Life has endowed so much blessing throughout the Creation . When you feel that reverence deep in your soul, Immense gratitude and compassion for humanity will follow . This is the only basis for world peace !!! Let the leaders of all nations hear this teaching. We are all Divine awareness, Mind is Divine comedy, and Life is Divine opportunity for all !!! Amen

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