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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Sexual Equality

For thousands of years, men have suppressed and dominated women! That is changing now as women are emerging from that place and establishing their true and rightful equality. Humanity is in desperate need of this balance being restored , otherwise the world will be in more and more peril. However, equality does not mean being similar.Life is made of polarities between opposites. There would be no men without women and vice versa. There would be no day without night, no left without right and so on. These seemingly opposite poles are actually complimentary and dependent on each other. That is the basis of equality! Men and women are not similar! If women try to be similar to men this is not how to be equal. They will be divided between their essentially feminine nature and the psuedo masculinity they are trying to establish. This is not how to achieve equality. Sexual equality is a gift of Life. It is a fact that needs recognition , not something to be achieved by changing our basic nature! Bringing awareness to this fact of life to the masculine world is the best way to allow this equality to be and flourish! Fighting and competing with men out of an egotistical consciousness wil only make men more resistant to change. Women must use their natural wisdom and intuitive sense to again claim this true reality. This natural path will result in the best and quickest outcome, and will be welcomed by both sexes! It is the dynamism of the essential differences between the sexes that makes life beautiful and mysterious . Let's not lose that fragrance to a psuedo equality based on becoming similar. Similarity is the death of the spirit. Vive La Difference' !!!

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