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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

From Insanity To Sanity

When the mind of a human being is dominated and lost in egoic consciousness, this is insanity to a varying degree. In other words until a person is fully awakened and their consciousness has flowered completely, they are suffering from a mental illness called egoism. This mental illness has plagued humanity since the beginning of the species. It came about because our original human ancestors somehow split their consciousness into two. In other words within one person there became two personalities or a split personality. They became I and myself. In other words they created a relationship within themselves with themselves. Let's be honest, we all talk to the little person in our head. We all create an ongoing dialogue and story with ourselves that we think is real, but in reality it is just a cheap fiction. It is just thought forms floating around in our head that somehow we've become attached to and totally believe in as who we are. This distorts and obscures and confuses the awareness and feeling of connection to life that comes from knowing the I or the I amness within that mind made relationship. Think about it, why do we need a relationship with ourselves? The answer is very simple.We really don't. We are searching for our true identity looking to find something in the world of form both physical and mental, a sense of self or identity because we don't know who we are at the essential level. How do we solve this fundamental dysfunction? The answer is simple but not really quite that easy. The simple answer is to just drop the myself side of the relationship with the fictitious mind made entity that we created in our psyche. When we understand this is not real ,that it is just a bundle of thoughts and emotions that seem to be real, but really have no substance or rootedness in life, it gets easier and easier to let it go. The problem when you let it go though, is a sense of fear or loss because it feels like you're giving yourself up. In a very real sense it feels like you're dying. However, what is dying is the illusion that you are the ego. This is the process of conscious awakening or enlightenment when the illusory self diminishes and your true reality or identity re-emerges from obscurdity where it was residing all along. It is not a process where you are becoming more and more special in any way shape or form. It is a process of going from the dysfunctional insanity of varying degrees to basic sanity of understanding your true identity. What is that true identity? It is divine pure aware consciousness. The I AM that exists and has existed prior to any of the manifested forms in the creation. This is what it means to know God. God, Life, Allah, Brahman, or whatever other name you want to call that essence of life, is in reality who you are. The last delusion is the delusion that I and God are separate. Many religions have a dualistic concept of God. Somehow God and I are separate. But from the viewpoint of ultimate reality, this dualism is just an illusion. Therefore the non-dualistic religions or spiritual traditions bring humanity closer to the actual experience of oneness with God. From this perspective of non-dualism ,there is no distance or separation between God and man. At the essential level they are one. This is the ultimate purpose of yoga, to connect or reconnect the individual consciousness with the ultimate divine transcendent consciousness. This is done by removing the obscurations and barriers or separations created by the fictitious ego which seems to be very real when you are lost in egoic consciousness or form consciousness.

So don't think of enlightenment or awakening as a special experience. Don't think of it as obtaining special status or position relative to other human beings in an egoic sense of achievement. Going through and fulfilling the process of awakening should bring the human being to a place of deep humility, basic sanity, and the tremendous feeling of compassion as the awakened person realizes that we are all one Life consciousness. And with that connectedness and compassion, all the profound and transcendent emotions of joy & peace, of love& bliss, become the experienced reality of life. Especially through the compassion you will feel a strong sense of urgency and commitment to help all humanity awaken to cross the bridge from insanity to divine sanity. It is my fervent hope to see that flower throughout the face of the earth!!!

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