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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Sexual Repression

The life force energy of divinity expresses itself through sex . This is a divine impulse even more fundamental in many ways than eating. Why does a good deal of humanity believe sex to be sinful or dirty? Why are we so afraid to explore and fully understand such a essential part of our nature? Without breath we die. Without food and sleep we eventually die. If we suppress or repress sex we become out of balance with Life and nature. We should have an acute awareness and sensitivity to this fundamental aspect of our own divinity. We should be fully conscious of it. It is Life itself! When you repress sex , you kill your awareness of life. However , it is such a powerful force that we fear what will happen if we let this power loose. The moralists point to their evidence of moral and sexual degradation in our societies and say we must control this menace or we shall be destroyed! Sexual license comes from human unconsciousness ! When we are totally unaware of our own divine life energy , we either indulge or repress. It is two sides of the same problem. It is unconscious sexual obsession! Sometimes the celibate monk or priest is just as perverted as the child molester or the philanderer . They have simply repressed themselves into inacivity . The problem is still smoldering under the surface. It is stuck in their repressed mind waiting to explode. Then we read stories in the news of countless victims of sexual abuse and molestation and we are outraged and shocked by these accounts. Sexual unconsciousness is a major aspect of spiritual unconsciousness. The problem is lack of awareness. Without awareness we cannot be in control of the powerful energy within ourselves.
We become victims of the robot conditioned mind . It grabs us by the genitals and runs the show unconsciously. However repression doesn't help rectify the situation much. It creates a pressure cooker that builds and builds until it explodes all over everybody, or it kills the heart and soul and we become dead men and women walking. No wonder society has chosen indulgence over repression. At least their is some fun in mild indulgence! How can we be liberated from the prison of indulgence / repression. First we need a pure and healthy mind which is free and unattached. We need to loosen the ego's grip on our sexuality by recognizing the conditoned impulsive nature of it. This may require a period of abstinence for some time. The process is one of purification not repression. Through a purified mind we then need to make our sexual energy fully conscious by accepting who we are as divine sexual beings. Sexuality is our divine inheritance and birthright . Finally we need to allow our enegry to be expressed in a fully loving and conscious way to our partner and recognize that love making is divine. It is one of the tremendous and joyful experiences that we can have in life. Our partner becomes an extension of our own life force as we are united in the act of union. If the ego is still in contol, then your partner becomes a means to an end . They become just another object to use for temporary pleasure and discard when finished. If a husband has sex with that kind of mind he has raped his wife just like the rapists , except he is protected by the law. The quality of your consciousness determines the quality of your sex. Why be satisfied with the common ego driven obsession that permeates society . It is so much better in full divine consciousness . You are then free of the obsession.

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