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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Drop the Ego & Expand Your Awareness

Drop the ego. Just drop it . Don't fight it. Don't hide behind it. Don't identify with it. It is not you ! It sounds so simple, but is not that easy. Because we have such a sense of self invested in ego, we are afraid to drop it. It has become our security blanket. We have grown attached to it believing that is a part of us. The fact that we recognize it, the ego, means there is something else that is not the ego in us that has emerged. This is the presense or awareness emerging from the deeper dimension within us. This is not something new. If it were new it means it could revert back to the old and we could lose it. It is us our common collective consciousness. It is the place within all of us that we came from! You can call whatever you like, it doesn't have an identity crisis like humanity does. It is the place where God, ought o , there I said that word, resides in the bottom of each human soul. Yet, it is not limited to human beings. It is the essence of the universe. What an amazing realization!! The same creative power and energy that created the milky way and all the galaxies. The horsehead nebula, the moons of Jupiter, the red planet Mars, and all of heavens wonders . That same source created you and me and is living within all of us, whether we realize it or not!! How incredibly cool is that !!! The magnificance of that reality makes all of the petty ego dramas that play theslves out on a daily basis, seem so stupid and insignificant. Is your life a cheap fiction or the real thing? Wait , you don't even have a life. You are life living through the temporary residence you call me! Just Drop it! The ego that is. It is not who you are by a long shot.

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