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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Creating a Lifestyle of Divinity

Within you is the creative power of divinity. You are that! You have the power of intention. It is your inheritance. Whatever you experience in your life has come from within yourself , from your own spirit. You are not a victim of lifes circumstances or other human beings. That is an illusion. Your intention will create your reality. We all must learn to create a lifestyle of divinity. That will flourish when we transcend the illusory mind of ego. That illusory mind makes you think that you are separate and isolated from the rest of the universe. It leaves you feeling frustrated and alone. However, you are not alone at all! If you feel that way, then you have created that unconsciously. It is not so. The power and energy of divine life is always flowing into you. It is here and now! You may say, Why don’t I feel it? Because your antenna is broken! The illusory mind and your unconscious pain from past memories is blocking that energy from fully flowing through you as it should. These blockages cause pain , suffering , and anxiety. Your divine soul , which is untouched by this, knows that something is disconnected . It is somehow locked up deep inside your mind and heart longing to be free from that blockage. Your purpose in life now is to liberate yourself from this soul imprisonment. There is nothing more important than that for you and also humanity!!! When your divine soul is free to express and manifest pure love and compassion for others, naturally and organically, we will see the birth of a divine lifestyle in all of its expressions and glory. It will not be bound and encumbered by rules and principles. It will transcend all past religious doctrines and belief systems. Heart and compassion , which is the expression of divinity, will rule the earth and darkness will be no more!!! Let it Be !

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