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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Who is Leading You ?

There are many voices that we follow in Life. Most people listen to their mind or ego and are trapped in conditioned thinking and egoic emotion. This is not who they truly are. They are following a false voice in the head.Through the stillness of meditation, we can all cultivate the ability to listen to our deepest heart and soul . From that place your life can be lead to true authenticity and fulfillment! It is not hard at all, if we can learn to listen carefully. This is why meditation is so valuable and really our main path to freedom and liberation. In spiritual life there is Prayer and Meditation. Prayer is the act of communicating our mind and heart to Life in a sincere and genuine manner. Our desires , fears , longings and questions can be shared with Life. Meditation is the art of listening to Life’s response and being one with that essence, which is what we are. It is even more important and fundamental than prayer. I’m not saying to stop praying! That communication is very important! However, if we don’t learn to listen, how can Life truly lead us to where we should be? Be a king of Meditation! It is the first and last freedom. If you find it hard to sit and meditate, start with breath awareness. This will lead you into the body which is the doorway to the heart and soul. Remember, to quiet the mind, go through the breath and body awareness. At first the mind will try to distract and frustrate you. Just allow it to be. Be the witness of your chattering mind. At that moment, that is the reality of you. Don’t turn it into a problem. As you allow the present to be a new awareness will emerge that is beyond the mind! As this awareness emerges, a deeper sense of stillness will fill your consciousness. This stillness is where we find our true inner voice. So be that!

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