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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Do We Really Need to Know ?

Do we really need to know? Throughout human history mankind has been on a quest to know the truth. The truth has been sought in many ways by many different types of people, religious people, philosophers, and in the modern era scientists of all types. All of them looking for ultimate truth. All of them looking for the purpose and meaning of life. Looking for answers to the great questions of why we are here, who created us, and where will it all lead us in the end. But my question is this do we really need to know? What if that's not meant to happen. What if that was never the design for humanity to openly find the ultimate truth. Think about it. What if it is impossible to find the ultimate truth, . If the essence of life, the one life, cannot be found in the things of the world, of the universe, why are we looking to prove it and find it with the intellectual mind which is bound by form, material form, energy, and even thought forms. We know that things are impermanent, that forms are born and die.One of The basic tenets of Buddhism is the law of impermanence which has been proven time and time again by science. But because we know this to be true, there must be an aware consciousness that is not impermanent, it always was and always will be, eternal. If we ultimately find the one life and figure it all out, that could be the end. Where do you go from there once it's all been figured out. Maybe we should just let it be. Maybe it's better ultimately not to know. Maybe, our purpose is the journey itself. One of the most profound beauties of life is its mystery. Maybe our need to know is deeply rooted in insecurity or fear, the fear of the unknown or the fear of death. That fear comes from the fact that in the ego consciousness we don't know who we truly are. We are identified with the form level of things and not the essential level of things. If all we are are the forms of life and we know that they are impermanent, then the fear of death or rises dramatically. Maybe this need to know is the egos way of dealing with that fear. Life is insecure, there is no security in it. If we desperately try to know everything, then we are looking for or are obsessed with having something that doesn't exist. We may want things to be a certain way to make us feel better, but if that's not the way they are, the suchness of life, you'll never find peace in the obsession of knowing. Let life be as it is and be comfortable, happy, and rejoice in the not knowing. This is how we can become aligned totally with the one life. That is the only security, to be aligned and completely objective to the one life. That is faith, trust, and ultimately peace. Rest in that and watch your life unfold in all its magnificence !!!!!.

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