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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Two Kinds of Fear

We are in the present moment our physical body is threatened by some outside force. We all have an instinctual fear that is triggered as a protection or defense mechanism for our body. This is the primordial intelligence that lives in every cell of our bodies and controls all the thousands of functions that keep us alive. Breathing, heartbeat, circulation, nervous system etc. This type of fear defense mechanism is perfectly natural and normal. It is beyond the minds control anyway.

But there is another type of fear that we sometimes feel which is psychological fear. It is primarily based on a mind made projection about what’s going to happen in the future or about the uncertainty of the future. It is future based not based on the present moment. It’s rooted in our unconscious fear of death and sex. It has been reinforced by our societal obsession with sex and the fear of death. Drilled into us by the collective conditioned mind patterns of the ego. It is totally baseless and illusory. It prevents your life energy to move up through your seven charkas or energy centers and prevents you from becoming totally awakened. Fortunately there is a way to be liberated from this illusion. Embrace all your fears that are future based. Accept them “totally” in the moment you feel their energy. Do not fight or repress or avoid them. Otherwise you will be stuck with their negative energy forever. Feel them deeply. Only then can you realize that it’s true nature is not real. It will then move through you and be released. You will feel tremendous peace and liberation when you open that door and allow it to be in the present moment. Only that which is real can survive and live in the present moment. Illusory psychological fear will dissolve and transmute into deep peace. The same is true for pain. Do not resist pain, feel it deeply. Embrace it and transmute it into peace and liberation. Your awakening can then move on to the next charka above the second charka. These are Charka #’s 3,4,5,6 &7. They are not damaged and pure. Your progress to awakening will then move smoothly after the fear of death has been transcended.

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