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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Finding The Essence

What Are We anyway? What is our life made up of? On one level we have our body, our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Most of us think that that is all there is! Some even think that they are their possessions, my car, my house , my position at work, in government, my role as husband , parent, child etc. And this is all true on the level of form. However form is dependent on one other factor most of us miss that is right under our noses. Consciousness! We are also Consciousness. Our form is dependent on our perceiving awareness. Without it there would be no form . no me . no my story. Now let’s ask this question, If form is dependent on consciousness, is consciousness dependent on form. The answer is maybe , maybe not! Consciousness seems to just be. It Is period. No beginning and maybe no end. Eternal? Form definitely has a beginning and an end. All forms both physical and thought based forms are first manifested then return to a state of unmanifested, however consciousness doesn’t seem to work that way . The fact that we know that all forms are impermanent would point to the possibly that there must be an aspect of life that is the permanent perceiving awareness that allows us to know the fact that forms are fleeting or impermanent! If the world was only the color blue, we wouldn’t even know it without any thing to contrast it to . Like wise if all forms are impermanent which science has proven in many different ways, then that which knows it, our consciousness, must be permanent or eternal.

How do I know if I have truly realized this or if it is just an intellectual concept. Do I really know that I am eternal? Imagine this is the last day of your life and your form identity is dissolving at 12 midnight. How do you feel, or what would you do? Is there any fear, concern, or uneasiness is your heart. Do you worry about extinction or annihilation? Are you afraid to let your pure true reality be exposed because of your past life situation, or are you just returning your physical body peacefully to the place that had loaned it to you in the first place! Back to your true home in the unmanifested ground of life. This is what Jesus meant when he said “ I am the way to eternal life” He knew that he was pure consciousness and therefore eternal!!

That is why after his form identity was brutally killed , he was resurrected back to the source of life. The question then becomes, “ do you know your self at the deepest level , in other words your essential nature of pure beautiful conscious awareness that is one with the one eternal life that is beyond birth and death , the Alpha & the Omega, Omniscient , Omnipotent, Omnipresent. Do not get fooled into a belief system that says I just have to believe this on the level of intellectual concept. That is an egoic trap. The Ego wants to keep you there with a false sense of security that I am saved!

Jesus will magically rescue me after I die ! This is an egoic delusion!

We must know in the marrow of our bones, in every cell in our body, and every corner of our consciousness our true identity as pure consciousness. We must be aware of awareness at the deepest level. And we must know , not just believe in , the fact that we are eternal. Only then will we also be resurrected . Otherwise , If we only know ourselves at the form level or egoic consciousness level we will surely die because all forms both visible and invisible ( thought , emotions , my story ) are impermanent.

So the urgent purpose of your life is to wake up to know your true essential identity. This is the meaning of Buddha Realization! Jesus was a Buddha. He fully and completely woke up to his true essential nature as pure Divine consciousness . That is why he said “ I have overcome this world” In other words transcended the level of the egoic, form level identity and consciousness.

He also said , you must take up the cross and follow me if you want eternal life! That cross is the sometimes excruciatingly painful process of moving from egoic form identity and consciousness to your true essential identity of awakened pure divine consciousness. In this process you must face life totally naked without pretense , feel all of lifes various energies flow in you and through you, including your deepest fears, and be cleansed of all traces of unconscious mental conditioned thought and emotion. In other words liberated from the possession of the Ego. Ultimately , You are not the Ego. You are not your fleeting thoughts and emotions, or the story of me that plays almost on auto pilot in your head constantly. You Are Life itself living through your temporary form. Let the false identification with the Ego Go!!!
Drop it completely!!! Only then will you find the Joy and Ectasy of Being that transcends all dualty, pain and pleasure, birth and death , God and me, love and hate, up and down, inside and outside. samsara and nirvana .

You are that already, realize it Now. You are being, consciousness, and bliss !!!


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