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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Parallel Journeys

Life is a combination of external and internal journeys! The external is made up of places, people, time and circumstances! It has physical space and dimension to it! The internal journey which happens in conjunction with and through the external, is made of different stuff! It is a journey of energy elevation and spiritual realization! It is not bound by time and space but by ongoing levels of higher and higher consciousness. It is also a journey from ego based emotion to enlightened emotion and compassion. When we learn from our external joueney the lessons Life is trying to teach us, we progress on the internal path. When we don't learn, we then must repeat the same onoing conditions on the outside until we do get it and can progress further on the internal path! This is universal principle and cannot be changed or circumvented in any way! When you are able to embrace Life completely no matter what happens, and do it with awareness and intelligence, that is the secret to moving forward internally! Meditate frequently about your Life circumstances and all answers will eventually come!!! It is real so be it!

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