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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Monday, August 06, 2007

One Continuum

All aspects and all levels of life are one continuum! There is no separation between spirit and matter , metaphysical and physical , mental , emotional , spiritual , and soul ! We have been used to thinking of them as separate for thousands of years because of the egoic consciousness that has controled humanities awareness and thinking. Life and death are one ! When one thing dies and disintegrates , another arises in its place. The flow of energy continues forever ! All that changes is the form or manifestation . The essence or source of all forms in life is eternal! How can it be otherwise ? If the Source was not eternal , nothing could exist. The manifested needs the unmanifested as a base or ground to exist. In Taoists terms it is said that from the one came the ten thousand things ! Or from the Wu Chi came the Tai Chi ( yin & yang ). If you know yourself at the essential level , then you know you are eternal. At that point you just watch as your manifestation or form changes! It is a beautiful thing! We are constantly changing every moment ! The only thing that doesn't change is the witness in you ! Even death will be beautiful from that witnessing perspective. Can you feel and embrace that all the way to the marrow in your bones???. If so you have conquered fear itself!!!

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