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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Monday, August 06, 2007

The Divine Goddess

Look carefully at each woman you meet ! She is a manifestation of the Divine Goddess or Yin energy of the Tao. How precious is that . She is there to help each of you feel and realize your own yin energy and come into balance within ! Without that balance you cannot realize the Tao within yourself and will continue to be stuck on your periphery ! It is there that the ego can decieve you into a false identification with itself. This is the fundamental disfunction, knowing yourself only as form and personality and not at your essence which is the Tao! Relate to each woman as your sister or mother or lover, as appropriate , with the awareness of where they come from and why they truly are here. They are here to help you know yourself at the deepest level by activating your own yin energy! Each man has the seed of the feminine within and each woman has the seed of the masculine within. Jeaus said in the gospel of Thomas " You will enter heaven only when the male and female become one within yourself" Men and Women are not from Mars & Venus ,that is ego speaking , they are from the same source , the Tao. Only by cooperation can they return to the Tao or enter heaven as Jesus put it long ago!

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