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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Friday, August 03, 2007

The Game of More

At the age of thirty I began to play the game of more. I didn't realize it though it until almost forty-five. One day it just struck me hard. No matter how much success I accomplished , or how many things or experiences I accumulated , I still somehow was not fulfilled! It seemed as if I had been chasing my tail for over fifteen years and my tail was called More. Alot of so called innovation and progress in our society & culture is based on a feeling of lack and dissatisfaction. Many of us believe that the only solution to this perceived "not enough " mentality , is to pursue the elusive More! The problem is that More is future based and never arrives which just compounds the frustration and leads to a desire again for More. The ultimate destination of this journey is the Hungry Ghost realm where we float around in spirit in a perpetual state of lack and emptiness. It is just another way our ego traps us in our own mind and thinking! How can we be free of this greed and lack cycle? The only way out is through appreciation and satisfaction of what we already have , as well as generosity towards others. This can re-direct the energy back towards back towards a healthy state of balance! True fulfillment lies at the heart of that balance!!!

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