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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Divide and Conquer ?

When we divide , we dissect. And when we dissect , we disconnect from the fundamental life energy (Qi) and trap ourselves in an ego capsule within our minds! This is the basis for separation consciousness. To Divide ! Having our fundamental connection to this Cosmoc energy severed , we live almost lifeless lives with an addiction to forms. This addiction to forms grows and grows as we try desperately to fill the void created by the dis-connection. ! There is only one solution to this most fundamental problem. Re-connect to the Source or Center and begin the healing flow of Cosmoc life energy again! This is the basic purpose and intention of Yoga , QiGong , and Meditation ! When we re-connect to the Source and feel the Source energy flowing , our consciousness is transformed and we become illuminated with Light! This is Enlightenment !!! It is not found or achieved ! It happens naturally when we move to the center and become aware of the truth( Dharma ). The Dharma is not an intellectual concept . It is a living reality ! To know the Dharma is True Wisdom !!!!! When you feel the life energy and know the living Dharma , nirvana magically appears and surrounds you! It has been revealed thru your realization !!!! So Realize It !!!

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