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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Friday, October 31, 2008

The Ego Capsule

Most of humanity lives within their limited mind & egoic consciousness . This is called the ego capsule. Their life energy system is closed and encapsulated mostly within themselves. It is therefore very difficult for them to feel a real connection to life at its source . It is a kind of contraction of the meridian system based on fear and anxiety both conscious & unconscious ! A small minority however have been able through different practices and experiences to open themselves up to both cosmic and earth energy and establish a growing connection to the promordial source or tao energy. I call this Immortal Vitality Energy Practice ! It can have a very profound effect on every aspect of human life ( physical, mental, emotional & spiritual ) and can help anyone reach their highest potential . Although still a very small minority , the numbers of people now experiencing this are growing as never before in human history. This is the base of the revolution in consciousness that began in the sixties and continues today to spread all over the world ! May you all find your original connection to this energy that transcends the material plane and begin to understand and realize that new consciousness !!!!!


Anonymous said...

How does one do this Immortal vitality energy practice? How do you do it? How does one know if they are already doing it? A friend taught me a practice that connected cosmic and earth energies. I wonder if it is the same as the process you write about.

Sobul Now said...

IVEP is practiced through several different Kigong practices. Yin yoga, dynamic meditation, iron shirt kigong, and Buddha yoga. Followed by a group energy healing
circle and sitting meditation!