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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Does God Really Exist ?

Before this question can be attempted to be answered, We must first define the term " to exist ". In the dictionary the word exist means to stand out or apart from . In other words to be an objective thing ! If God were an objective thing , He/ She would have been found long ago. In the Eastern view God is the non-dual basis for all existence . In other words the unmanifested ground for everything else or all things to exist. This means that God does not exist in the same way that the manifested world does. Another more accurate way to put it would be that God Is ! This Isness is the basis for all forms to exist without which existence would not be possible . It also means that God is nowhere to be found yet is within and contains all the manifested universe.To tradtional logical thinking this is quite paradoxical , yet it is true . If there were no God, nothing could possibly exist !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God is deeply comforted by your words. I don't just believe it, I can feel it. Boom boom ..boom boom is the sound of the divine heart. With sparkles and flowers flowing all around in His/Her celebration of the recognition you so confidently affirm and publish for all to see. He/She makes me cry, He/she is so touched and comforted by your heart, and your words.