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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Friday, November 23, 2007


Non-forgiveness both of ourselves and others keeps us trapped in ego consciousness! Forgiveness on the other hand takes yur energy and consciousness directly to your buddha nature that exists deep within your soul! Let's face it life is not perfect nor was it ever meant to be! We are all subject to mistakes , mishaps and difficulties fronm time to time! If we get stuck in the victim identity or obsessed with the blame game, we make a temporary situation of unconscious behavior or thought ,become sticky and linger much longer than necessary! Difficulties arise so that our soul may learn and grow brighter and stronger! Life gives us these temporary impasses out of love and compassion , not as a punishment of some sort. After going through these difficulties , there will come a time to forgive and move on!This will probably be a time of many tears , however those tears are essential to cleanse the karma associated with the difficulty and grow to the next stage! As you learn to forgive , the compassion of your true buddha nature will grow and bless you whole being! This was one of the most profound secrets of Jesus life ! So Be That !!!

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