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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A Lesson from an Iron

I started to iron a sweater in my bedroom this morning . After about five minutes the sweater was still wrinkled. I didn't understand why until I looked down at the electrical outlet and realized that the iron was not plugged in! This then reminded me of the current human condition. Most of us are not plugged in to the Source of life and don't realize it. We are like an iron with no power trying to get the wrinkles out with no success. We all need to find the right plug so we can feel the full power and magnitude of Life in all its glory and abundance. Whether that plug is Jesus , Buddha , Mohamed , Krishna , Yoga , Tantra , Deeksha , Mantra or something else, the most important things are to be plugged in, and to realize that there is only one Source. Debating whose plug is true or right automatically gets you unplugged! Those are the rules like it or not. When you feel the Source, all debate is meaningless, so drop it! Let the energy flow through your whole being into all aspects of Life until you are immersed in the profound Oneness!!!

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