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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Belly Full

Chi is the life force energy that permeates all matter and sustains our life. The ancient Taoists masters realized the importance of cultivating and storing this energy in the area just below the navel called the Tan Tien. Science has now shown that this area of the stomach contains neurotransmitters which are similar to the brain. The Taoists called the Tan Tien area the second brain. It is the center of awareness and energy. If this area has low energy and it out of balance with the rest of the body and brain we become imbalanced and centered in our head which causes all kinds of problems & issues. The ancient art of Chi Kung ( energy work )
was developed to create harmony, vitality, and balance to the body, mind, & spirit.
Without this balance we cannot make progress in our spiritual development. It is the foundation of higher celestial work. It is also important to develope a strong base physically and energetically in the calves and thighs , otherwise our thoughts and emotions will blow us around in all directions.
Chi exists in everything from the air we breathe to the food we eat. It can also be cultivated from the sun, moon, and other celestial bodies. The human being is a chi receptor and can receive and store this vital life force energy if they understand how. With no understandng and training we unecessarily lose and waste our precious chi resulting in illness and ultimately death. Chi cultivation & management is the great secret of ancient Taoism ! In ancient times when life expectancy was around 35, the Taoists masters live to bewteen 80 to 100 years and sired children even in their late seventies. We should pay attention to these secrets !!!

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