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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Posessiveness is the real heart of the disfunction of humanity ! We are constantly trying to posess the different things in our life , money , material goods , people , concepts etc. in an effort to alleviate our basic sense of insecurity . This insecurity comes from being identified with the ego whom we mistake for who we are! The ego knows that it is subject to the birth and death of the life form . The ego based society is then functioning from a sense of lack or inadequacy. That forms the basis for the competitive " dog eat dog " society we all live in !When we know our deeper reality and soul essence , we know that life is one and eternal ! This oneness forms the basis of a sense of abundance which then translates into sharing , giving , and cooperation !!! That is why all the great spiritual traditions have taught non-attachment and charity as an antidote for this disfunctional ego posessiveness !!! When you give and let go with no agenda or attachment , you begin to feel a deeper sense of peace and oneness with life in your inner being. As you go deeper into it , you eventually reach the Joy and Bliss of Being , which is beyond form and circumstance . When you posess nothing , you have everything ! That is the basic dialectic of life !!!

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