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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Domestic Relations

Almost all romantic relationships have moments of great joy as well as moments of difficulty and conflict ! Most start with a spark of love fever and slowly develop over time into ego based co-dependency ! This eventually leads to divorce or to something worse , ego love prison , where both are very unhappy but afraid to leave out of fear of loss. However , even this kind of situation can be turned into a great blessing if one or both partners realize that life is a great Love workshop! In other words , they turn their relationship into a spiritual practice ( darshan ) by learning the art of spiritual alchemy. This is done by cleansing and purifying the neediness or dependency out of the love! To love is our nature and birthright! To love purely and unconditionally is what makes us divine ! When you can love the other with no agenda or outcome in mind , with no attachment to the result , heaven will descend and emerge through your heart chakra turning your love into a great awakening of divine bliss and serenity !!! Your partner becomes your portal into your soul and vice versa ! So no matter how hard or painful it may seem , cherish them from this perspective !

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