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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Living from the Inside Out

In the west we live from the outside in! We believe that what is outside of us is more important and valuable than what is within. In the East they live from the inside out. The spiritual traditions of Asia teach the importance of this life viewpoint. What you are and what is within caerries all the seeds of what you manifest in life. If your manifestation emanates from that deep spring within, it carries a sense of aliveness and joy that cannot be found outside yourself. It is the beingness and transcendant place of joy, love , compassion, and equanimity the buddhists call four immeasurables!
If we in the west can embrace this view wholeheartedly, our current seeming crisis will not endure long! It will transmute into the greatest experience of joy and freedom humanity has ever known! Without this view, it will rob us of the last bit of humanity and divinity left. This is our cross, Let us take it up and pass thru to the ressurection of the deathless within us! So Be It!

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