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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Which kind of Crazy are You?

From the ego's point of view , the enlightened master is totally crazy. How can he be totally at peace within himself and not be concerned oe worried about the future ? Where is his fear of death ? Where is the pursuit of success and financial abundance & financial security ? Why doesn't he or she try to get the most out of life like the rest of us ? Where is the drama ? From the awakened point of view , egoic consciousness is synomous with insanity or mental illness . It traps us in an ego centered encapsulization within our consciousness that makes us feel that we are separate , vulnerable , lonely and sometimes hostile. It deceives us into thinking that life is limited. We feel that the pie is only so large and we must fight to get our share or die. From the enlightened perspective , the universe is totally abundant. It is not a static , confined ,or limited resource. It is a living , breathing , abundant life form that we are an integral part of !!! The universe , including mother earth has its own intelligence and is alive with abundant cosmic energy!
The direction of human consciousness is now strongly moving from the ego prison towards the freedom and expanse of awakened , nirvanic awareness ! The ego can never understand enlightenment , however the enlightened mind can totally understand and be aware of ego ! Thank goodness there are many masters emerging now to lead us out of our ego prison into the Light !!!!!

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