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This Blog is a compilation of revelations, inspirations, and meditations that come from the distinctive perspective of eastern spirituality and mysticism! Please enjoy and share your thoughts, impressions and inspirations if any.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Ascetic and The Mystic

There are only two basic paths to the truth which is one. As OSHO says, either via affirmativa or via negativa. These two paths in many ways are 180 degrees in a different direction. The affirmative path ,or yang way , is one of becoming or striving for the truth by following some example or belief system. It is the realm of the affirmative religions, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, & Hinduism. This path is based on doing, practicing , or exercising the faith in order to achieve something in the future. It implies great effort and therefore time to accomplish. It seeks truth indirectly or second hand from an outside source and follows a methodical step by step approach. This is the ascetic approach. It was the original path of the Buddha prior to his enlightenment. However he never found the truth through this path. Eventually he wound up in hopelessness and despair and he gave up this difficult path. He then tried the negative path of the mystic. The path of emptiness. This is the path of no effort, the path of being, not doing or striving to achieve. The path of aloness or solitude, which depends on no one or thing. It is the agnostic path of direct existential experience of the one truth. It is the path of unknowing. You are simply still and empty , and you wait for the truth to fill you fully and completely. It requires no time or exercise. It is the realm of Buddhism and Taoism.
It is not rational or methodical at all. It is a mystery wrapped in an enigma. All the so called rational thinkers ,including the theologians and philosophers, believe it makes no sense, indeed it is non-sense. It requires no knowledge or intellectual inquiry. In fact concepts of the truth block this path and can be a great obstacle. It is the path of awareness, observation, and meditation. This path transcends the thinking mind and leads directly to the source of universal wisdom , which is the one consciousness we all share. It is the direct, first hand way, or yin way to self realization. The truth is within ! Realize it now and you are liberated! As the great Taoist master Lieh Tsu said “ Best be Still , Best be Empty !!!

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